Body Contouring & Tightening

A non-invasive treatment to reduce volume, tighten and revitalize your skin. No matter your body shape, skin tone, diet or exercise plan, over time our skin looses elasticity, collagen weakens and it becomes harder to lose certain pockets of fat. We also develop wrinkles, fine lines and have a genetic predisposition to cellulite, which becomes a common concern. 

By using a combination of multi-polar radio frequency (RF) and pulsed magnetic fields the treatment system produces a soothing, dense, and uniform heat matrix as it glides over the skin. Thermal reaction in the tissue under the skin causes collagen synthesis and contraction, fibroblast proliferation, neo-vascularity and lypolysis. As a result, the skin tightens and contracts, leaving you with a smoother, more youthful appearance, loss of volume and reduced skin laxity.

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Most Frequent Questions and Answers

Treatments take approximately 15 – 45 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

The combination of RF technology with magnetic pulse energy allows the treatment to penetrate deep into the skin. The results – increased blood circulation, visible plumping, and firming.  As the treatments progress, more dramatic results become visible. Cellulite softens and skin begins to tighten. You can expect to see the most impressive results after 8-10 treatments.

Yes! Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulse Therapy have been used in medicine for many years and are proven, safe and effective technologies. Your treatment provider will review your medical history and your aesthetic goals to see if these treatments are right for you.

Absolutely no downtime. The treatment area may look a little flushed and warm to the touch, but this will go away within 1-2 hours. You can return to your daily schedule immediately after your treatment.

Venus Freeze Skin TCC (Tightening, Contouring, Cellulite)

Book your Free Consultation

For a free consultation, please contact us via email or Valley Skin & Laser Clinic at 1-855-252-5599